Well Rehabilitation, Inspection, and Sampling

As a licensed driller and pump installer in Arizona (and many other states), KP Ventures has an understanding of wells that not every pump technician does. We literally know wells inside and out. Consequently, we understand and have unique ways of addressing declining production in your well. We frequently get calls for the following items. All of which may indicate the need for a well rehabilitation:

  • Low or no water in the well

  • Declining specific capacity (declining volume or pumping water levels)

  • Biological growth in your well or in your discharge piping, filtration, and faucets.

  • Rapid cycling of your pump

All of these conditions may indicate that you need a well inspection, water quality sampling, and/or well rehabilitation. To address those items above, we offer the following services which are all generally categorized as well rehabilitation.

Well Brushing Arizona

Mechanical Cleaning

Brushing, Bailing, and Jetting are the most common mechanical means of rehabilitating a well. Often these processes will clear debris from the screened section of the well improving yield, improving efficiency, increasing the life of the well, and possibly lowering energy costs associated with pumping that well.

Water Well Treatment Testing

Chemical Treatment / Acidizing

Well chemical treatments can vastly improve the efficiency of your well and most times they are very cost effective. KP Ventures is experienced in applying acids, biocides, and other chemicals to improve the efficiency of your well. This can lead to a longer well life and even reductions in your energy cost. Call us to learn more.

Aquifer Test Pumping

Well Development

Adequate well development is one of the best ways to ensure good production from a newly drilled well. Unfortunately, many people skip or undervalue this step believing they are saving money by not doing it. They are exactly wrong.

This is not the case as an underdeveloped well will be less efficient, a lower producer, and generally be a poorer well than one that has had adequate development performed. KP Ventures lets the well tell us when its been developed by taking clarity tests frequently and testing water parameters.