Mineral Exploration

Diamond Core & Reverse Circulation (R/C)

Reverse Circulation Infill Sampling

R/C Mineral Exploration

KP Exploration has been performing RC Drilling and sampling for Junior Exploration Firms and on established mine sites for some time. We have recent experience with R/C drilling via a wet rotary splitter for infill drilling purposes. We’ve also installed solution extraction wells for In-Situ mining applications.

If you have a need for a trusted mining or exploration partner, please call us. We’d be happy to discuss our capabilities.

Diamond Core Drilling

Exploration Drilling described below is all performed by our sister company, KP Exploration. Please visit that page for the best and most up to date information.

The staff at KP Exploration come from a long line of Diamond Core drillers. You could say its in our blood. We’ve also been successful at attracting and retaining skilled rig operators to offer the best, brightest, and most accomplished drillers to our customers.

We operate Versadrill Canada track mounted KmN1.4s surface rigs to perform core drilling for various metals. These rigs are capable of NQ, HQ, & PQ (HWT) size wireline coring. Depth capability of up to 4600 feet (NQ).

We are able to staff our rigs with experienced drillers on a 24 hour basis. This allows us to get the core from the field to the lab in short order.

Contact us for a line card or to learn more about our availability.

KP Exploration is able to assist Mine Operators with drilling needs other than strict exploration. We have the ability to perform the following tasks as well:

  • Conventional Air Rotary, Conventional Mud Rotary, Air Assist Reverse Circulation, Dual Wall Reverse Circulation & Casing Advance Drilling Methods

  • Mine Dewatering Wells

  • Water Supply Wells

  • Utility holes such as power holes

  • Well Rehabilitation and Repair

  • Pumping Equipment – Lineshaft Turbine, Submersible Pumping, VFD Controllers

MSHA Trained Crews

Having our own MSHA trainer in-house makes it easy to keep up with MSHA training of new hires and refreshers for seasoned staff. If you need safety-minded partners to help with your work; we’d be happy to help. Call us today.