Our Equipment
Our Current equipment capacity is as follows:
Drilling Rigs
Gardner Denver 2500 Table Drive Rotary Rig with 150,000lb pullback, Major Overhaul completed in 2009, Replaced Draw works and entire Derrick. Mainline Replaced 12/1/19. Regularly maintained and rebuilt.
Taylor Industries RT4000 Kelly Drive Rotary Rig with 150,000lb pullback, Engine rebuilt 11/1/19. Regularly maintained and rebuilt.
Gefco Speedstar 150K Top head Drive Rotary Rig with 150,000lb pullback, Engine Replaced 1/10/19. New Swivel Installed 3/1/18, New Lights installed 2/1/17. Regularly maintained and rebuilt.
Gefco Speedstar SS40 Kelly Drive Rotary Rig with 150,000lb pullback. Rig overhauled completely in 2018. Regularly maintained and rebuilt. Mainline Replaced 4/1/2020.
Schramm T660 Top head Drive Rotary Rig with 30,000lb pullback, capable of Air Rotary, Direct Mud Rotary, Casing Advance, Dual-Tube Reverse Circulation. Regularly maintained and rebuilt.
Versadrill Mark 70 New as of July 2021, Dual Wall R/C Drilling with Rotary Wet Splitter as an add-on option.
Versadrill 2000 Regularly maintained. Performing a combination of residential water well drilling and capable of performing R/C Drilling as well.
Atlas Copco T3W Top head Drive Rotary Rig with 70,000lb pullback, capable of Air Rotary, Direct Mud Rotary, Casing Advance, Dual-Tube Reverse Circulation. Regularly maintained and rebuilt.
Versadrill Canada KmN1.4S New as of February 2022. Diamond Core drill rig. HQ setup standard.
Bucyrus Erie 36L Cable Tool Rig, regularly maintained and rebuilt.
Bucyrus Erie 60L Cable Tool Rig, regularly maintained and rebuilt.
Bucyrus Erie 22W Cable Tool Rig, regularly maintained and rebuilt.
Pump Rigs (Hoists)
2001 Semco 25000 Pump Rig with 100,000lb. capacity, New Spool and Walking Beam Installed 8/1/14, Mainline Replaced 6/1/19.
2002 General Motors Pump Rig with 100,000lb capacity, Mainline Replaced 2/1/18.
2017 Pulstar 100,000 Pump Rig with Over 100,000lb capacity
2019 Pulstar 100,000 Pump Rig with Over 100,000lb capacity
2019 Pulstar 100,000 Pump Rig with Over 100,000lb capacity
2000 General Motors Pump Rig with 70,000lb capacity. Fully Rebuilt mast in 2019. Fully Rebuilt engine in 2020.
2010 Pulstar P12
Other Equipment
400 CFM @ 200 PSI Air Compressor– Quantity 5
1000 CFM @ 400 PSI Air Compressor – Quantity 3
Self Contained Mud systems - Quantity 4
Test Engine and test pumps (various up to 5000 GPM)
Sound Abatement Panels - Approximately 1,000 square feet available.
Large inventory of various size and type of drill bits, drill collars, drill steel, fishing tools, tremie pipe, etc. needed for drilling in various conditions, sizes, and depths.
We also have an array of equipment that includes Auger Rigs, Off-Road Cranes, Compressors, Backhoes, Water Trucks, Welders, Doghouses, Drill Steel Trailers, Booms Trucks, Generators, Etc.