Well Inspection & Repair
Well Inspection/ Well Repair
Need a well inspection
As a part of a real estate transaction?
Due to Corrosion, biofouling, mineral deposits, catastophic collapse, or contamination
We can HELP.
Whether you need a well inspection as a part of a real estate transaction or you’ve had a pump fail at your primary water well, we can help. KP Ventures has a large pool of trained pump technicians that are capable of diagnosing a problem and generating a solution.
KP Ventures has what it takes, in both experienced staff AND equipment, to evaluate your well and to perform any repairs needed; no matter the problem. Here are a few of our most common activities:
Out of water calls
Pump Testing
Water Quality sampling
Real estate well inspection
Well Video
Pump Control evaluating and repair
Aquifer testing or Test Pumping
Replacement of Pressure Tanks